The Natural Process 
A Map of Margaret’s Near-Death Experience: A Stress Management Tool


In 1978, Margaret Kean from Virginia, USA, had a profound near-death experience. That experience provided her with extraordinary insight into the nature and natural sequence of our human dying experience.

Margaret created the map of her experience of dying because she knew that it would be beneficial to anyone and everyone as a stress-management tool. It is also a tool of transformation for anyone who learns it because it helps to transform limited perceptions of reality that keep us from seeing a ‘bigger picture’.

It is common for those who have had a near-death experience to experience themselves moving into greater and greater realms of Light and Love, often passing through a tunnel first where they experience a life review.

Those experiences of dying into the Light have been documented in many books about profound near-death experiences. One of the things that is unique about Margaret Kean’s NDE is that upon her recovery, she remembered a specific sequence of dying. She remembered the journey that she took in detail and it was the steps through that journey that is represented by the Map of the ‘Natural Process’. She was able to clearly describe and articulate the sequence of steps that resulted in her unification with the Oneness.

For a brief time, the teachings comprised an oral tradition and then others were drawn in close to Margaret, recognizing the powerful healing that she demonstrated. Her students assisted her in many ways, and especially by capturing her words on video, and creating teaching tools like the Natural Process Map and other handouts. I attended classes with Margaret where I learned ‘The Natural Process’, a Map of the Sequence of a Near-Death Experience; ‘The Dance of Divine Order', On Relationships in the Oneness); and ‘The Natural Process’ board game for groups. To the best of my knowledge, there have been no books written about Margaret’s work. She generously offered her teachings on ‘The Natural Process’ and ‘The Dance of Divine Order’ as gifts to her students.

I have found Margaret’s teaching to be profoundly helpful in my own life as well as in the lives of the students that I taught and others with whom I have shared the information.  Margaret taught ‘The Natural Process’ more than twenty-five years ago. Her teachings continue to be a foundational piece of my life, supporting on-going healing, evolution of perception, and transformation. It truly is a gift beyond measure to have such an uplifting efficient and effective touch-stone to love, peace, and harmony. Thank you, Margaret. Thank you so much.

Margaret passed into the ‘Oneness’ in 2008, leaving behind a legacy of beautiful and practical teachings that have helped an untold number of people. I know that she would be really happy to see that her work is, after all this time, available here now, on-line, for all to see, and freely given.

I am motivated to share this information at this time because I feel that Margaret’s teachings are even more relevant and applicable in these times of great challenges and great opportunities. There are so many people suffering great personal loss, socially, economically, culturally. And so many of us are experiencing depths of sorrow and grief as a result of the unexpected loss of a loved one. Margaret’s stress management tool can efficiently and effectively shift our perceptions to see ourselves and our perceptions in a new light. Seeing things in a new light, with a new perspective, can be a transformational moment. That moment can clear the emotions and the brain of ‘no-longer serving’, limiting beliefs and patterns of perception. The result is a feeling of immense relief and freedom.

I believe that we are each individually and collectively, as a human species, undergoing spiritually transforming experiences. Death, loss, grief, life-altering changes are dominant themes. Margaret Kean’s teachings provide a beautiful way to help us emerge out of the tunnel vision we may be experiencing, and provides us with an opportunity to move forward in a way that more Light is shone on our path, individually and collectively.

Margaret taught that it is the sequence of the stages of the near-death experience that is important. ‘The Natural Process’ is a template and a metaphor for our living experience here on Earth, as well as our dying experience of leaving the physical body and moving into the Light. Both our living and dying experiences on Earth are expressions of the same process of moving more and more into the Light – the Light of love, the Light of understanding, the Light of truth, the Light of courage, the Light of Oneness.

The progressive movement into Light that characterizes many people’s experience of dying is the same sequence of experiences that characterizes aspects of our day-to-day living. In other words, there is a parallel between the events and experiences of dying a physical death and the living experience of shedding and letting go of any limiting mental, emotional, and physical perceptions and perspectives that no longer serve the path of Spirit.

For example, many near-death experiencers remember having an experience of moving through a ‘tunnel’, and of having a ‘life review’. On a day-to-day basis, human beings often get ‘stuck’ in the ‘tunnel’ of their perceptions and stuck in the ‘busy work’ of their lives. We often lose sight of the ‘Light’ (at the end of the tunnel); we get ‘tunnel vision’ and lose sight of our purpose for being here on planet Earth.

Feeling ‘stuck’ in ‘the tunnel’ can sometimes create overwhelming feelings of stress, depression, and a sense of disconnection from any sense of there being a greater purpose in life. Being stuck in ‘the tunnel’ can cut us off from feeling connected to, and a part of, the mystery and magic and purpose of life. Nevertheless, sometimes we get glimpses of the Light at the end of ‘the tunnel’. And that Light, no matter how small it appears at first, serves to pull us forward, like a magnet, offering a sense of hope and possibilities for understanding one’s purpose in life, and the meaning of our life on Earth.

So that is an example of the correlation between an experience of the ‘tunnel’ in the dying process, and an experience of the ‘tunnel’ in our day-to-day experience.

I believe that many, many people are in what Margaret described as the ‘Tunnel’ stage of living at this time because of the many changes and challenges facing everyone. The global pandemic that began in 2020 has many of us looking reflecting back on our lives and doing a review of the life that we used to live. Many are grieving deep losses.
Some of us are not yet able to move forward, and can’t see the ‘Light at the end of the Tunnel’.
I believe that Margaret’s ‘Natural Process’ can help lift our Spirits. It offers a path to health and wholeness.
— Sandra McKay Stewart

So let’s get started! Below are several audios that give an overview of the Natural Process. The next set of audios will go deeper into the Process and explain how you use it.

I have found also that simply reading and exploring the map can be very helpful. Having a printed copy of the Map handy is useful. Below the Map, I include a list of all the headings that the Map is comprised of. Some people will prefer to follow along by looking at the pictorial version of the Map, and others may prefer to follow along by reading the headings in a regular way.

Overview of Natural Process Map
Sandra McKay Stewart
Into the Oneness and Carrying Out One's Assignment on Earth
Sandra McKay Stewart
More Details on the Map
Sandra McKay Stewart
Place of Miracles
Sandra McKay Stewart
  1. tunnel

A. Life Review

2. heart

A. Love
B. Peace
C. Knowing

the bridge into light is trust.

(The Light can only be entered into through a Knowing that is based on Love and Peace.)

3. light

a. surrender
B. acceptance
c. purification

4. recognition of perfection

a. “I”
b. “We”

the gate to oneness can only be entered through the recognition of “we”, as perfection

5. oneness/wholeness

a. Unification
B. Training program
c. assignment

6. carrying out the assignment