Margaret Fields Kean
Margaret Fields Kean teaching ‘The Natural Process’ in the 1990’s at Smith Mountain Lake Institute of Higher Healing, Virginia, USA.
The late Margaret Kean (d. 2009) had a profound near-death experience in 1978 (*see descriptive quote by PMH Atwater at the bottom of this page). When Margaret came back to consciousness and recovered from her illness, she remembered the sequence of the stages of her dying experience. She remembered going through a ‘Tunnel’, and having a ‘Life Review’ where everything she had lived until that moment was reviewed.
Margaret remembered emerging out of the ‘Tunnel’ into the Light of Love, and then journeying through expanding levels of Light and Love until eventually entering into a blissful and heavenly state of unity consciousness that she called the ‘Oneness’. In the ‘Oneness’, she received all the knowledge, guidance, and experiences that she needed to return to life again, equipped with a sense of purpose and direction to fulfill her ‘new assignments’ back on Earth. She became a healer, and taught her many students the specific healing modalities that she learned from her near-death experience.
It was my great blessing to meet Margaret Kean in the late 1990’s when she was teaching two of her healing modalities. I studied and learned to use both ‘The Natural Process’ and ‘The Dance of Divine Order’ at the ‘School for the Prophets – Visions of Tomorrow’ conferences in New York State, USA. The conferences where hosted by Rev. Dan Chesbro and his wife at that time, Rev. Carol Chesbro. Rev. Dan Chesbro ordains priests into the Order of Melchizedek. Margaret Kean had viewed her future life during her near-death experience, and her future life (after her near-death experience) included becoming an Ordained Priest in the Order of Melchizedek. (The story of Dan Chesbro and the ‘Order of Melchizedek’ can be found in his book: “The Order of Melchizedek – Love, Willing Service, and Fulfillment”.)
The sequence of the dying experience that Margaret lived and taught is called ‘The Natural Process’. Margaret considered the sequence of the dying process to be the same as our living process. In other words, in living and in dying, the human experience is one of transformation and change while becoming more and more Light which is Love. She explained that in our day-to-day living process, for example, we can get ‘stuck in the tunnel’ of life. Sometimes we can’t see the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’. We often get ‘tunnel vision’ which limits our perceptions, and keeps us from seeing a ‘bigger picture’.
‘The Natural Process’ is a Map as well as a healing modality. The Map helps us to better understand the sequence of the dying processes that take us into the ‘Oneness’ in death, and the sequence of the living and dying processes that take us to the place of living in the ‘Oneness’ in our day-to-day lives while we are here on Earth. Read more about ‘The Natural Process’ here.
‘The Dance of Divine Order’ is the name of Margaret’s teachings about human relationships and living together in the ‘Oneness’ on Earth. ‘The Dance of Divine Order’ is about how we are evolving as humans to recognizing that ‘Love is the Leader of the Dance of Divine Order’, and that ‘Love is the Leader’ that facilitates our journey into the ‘Oneness’. In the day-to-day ‘Dance of Divine Order’ in our individual lives, there are perceptions and truths that help us to recognize the spiritual excellence hidden underneath each of our personal ‘dance costumes’ and the dance costumes of others. Recognizing the perfection of ‘I’ as ‘We” opens the palace gates to experiencing ‘sameness’, ‘oneness’, and ‘unity’. Read more about ‘The Dance of Divine Order’ here.
Margaret Fields Kean
Introduction to her near-death experience (NDE)
I offer Margaret’s teachings for two reasons. The first reason is that I consider Margaret’s teachings to be some of the most profound yet practical spiritual teachings that I have learned. Her perspectives on living and dying, and on sacred loving relationships, are simply transformational. Margaret learned everything that she subsequently taught from her personal experience of journeying from death into a state of ‘Oneness’. I taught ‘The Natural Process’ several times in Canada as a fundraiser for Margaret and her colleague, Lib Keeter. The funds supported their extraordinary work in Swaziland where they attended to the health needs of local villagers, brought life and hope to so many impoverished children and families, and taught the women the healing knowledge that Margaret had learned from her near-death experience. Their work was so impactful that the traditional medicine healers, the Sangoma’s, received Margaret into their fold and embraced her as one of them.
The second reason that I share all this information, and most important really, is that I feel Margaret’s teachings are even more valuable now, in these times, as we transition through so much change personally and globally. It is as if all of life is going through a near-death experience. It feels as if the human species, for sure, is going through the transformational living and dying sequence that Margaret spoke about.
For example, during this Covid period not only have many, many people died, causing great suffering in the world in terms of grief and loss, but as well, there is a collectivity of experience of loss – we are all in it together, experiencing it together. We are experiencing a collective human initiation of great loss -- loss of a loved one, loss of jobs and livelihoods, loss of physical and social connectivity, loss of family, loss of identity, and so on. There is so much physical, mental, emotional, and psychological loss. At the very least, there has been a great trauma that we have lived through together.
It is a death, it is the death of what was the norm for all of us in our work, our families, our relationships. We can co-create the new normal in our new world. The transformational nature of the great change that is upon us has caused many to feel lost, disconnected, and suffering greatly. I feel so hopeful about how Margaret’s teachings about death and dying can help us get through this. Even more, her teachings can help us move forward to live in a field of greater connectivity and unity consciousness. So let’s get started!
In ‘The Natural Process’ section, I will have some short audios that explain the sequence of dying and living that Margaret taught me more than twenty years ago. I walk you through the journey into ‘Oneness’, and show you how to identify the emotionally stuck places that need to be released and cleared. The Natural Process is a stress management tool that catalyzes psychological and spiritual growth. It is also a step-by-step self-guided process to help integrate and balance the effects of spiritually transformative experiences (like living through the Covid 2020 changes) to establish new emotional and brain efficiencies. As Margaret said, ‘It is important that our emotions support our spiritual purpose here on Earth’.
Bless you and best wishes to you for our collective healing, recovery, and emergence from trauma, illness, loss, stress, and social isolation as we journey together, letting go of all that holds us back, and stepping forward into the ‘Oneness’ and carrying out our ‘new assignments’.
“* I spoke of Margaret Fields Kean who nearly died in 1978 after being hospitalized for about three weeks with severe phlebitis. A blood clot had passed to her heart and lungs and she became deathly ill. Then she was given injections for nausea that, due to the blood thinners she had previously received, caused internal hemorrhaging. Pandemonium reigned as she slipped away. While absent from her body, she witnessed the scene below her, then heard and saw people in the waiting room down the hall - right through the walls - as well as nurses at their station. She also knew their thoughts.
Margaret went on to have a transcendent near-death experience in which she instantly knew and understood many things; her future, and that she would become a healer. This completely contradicted her vision of herself at that moment in her life, for she was content being a super-mom farm wife who rode horses, taught Bible classes,
led 4-H and Girl Scout groups, gardened, canned, and baked bread. A healer? Ridiculous!
Yet, when Margaret revived, she immediately began to heal other patients in the room around her by “reaching out” to them. Then, she “projected” into the isolation room of a white boy charred black by severe burns. She “sat” next to him on the bed, introduced herself, and proceeded to counsel him about his purpose in life.
She told him it was okay if he chose to die as God was loving and he had nothing to fear.
Months later, while continuing her recovery and still in great pain, Margaret was attending a horse show when a couple, hearing the loudspeaker announce her daughter’s name as a winner, sought her out. They were parents of the severely burned boy. Before he died, he had told them about meeting Margaret and relayed all the wonderful truths she had told him about God and about life. The parents were thrilled to have finally located her so they could say thanks for what she had done for their son. The dying boy had identified her by name - even though the two had never physically seen each other or verbally spoken in any manner, nor had any nurse known that the two had ever communicated, nor had it been possible that Margaret ever could have known if the isolation room was even occupied much less who might be there.”