A Summary of Margaret Fields Kean’s Teachings: Love is the Leader
In 1978, Margaret Kean from Virginia, USA, had a profound near-death experience. That experience provided her with extraordinary insight into the nature and natural sequence of our human living and dying experiences. Margaret learned in her near-death experience, that she was going to be a healer, that she was going to teach new healing modalities that would help people with stress, help people with understanding death and dying. Her healing modalities would offer practical, yet profound, ways to expand our consciousness, our perceptions, and to transcend pre-conceived perceptual and emotional hurdles. Margaret’s methods achieved extraordinary results in every way: physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, electrically, nutritionally, sexually, and so on. She talked about brain efficiency, and the need for our emotions to support our spiritual purpose. Her teachings are transformational.
Over a period of several years, Margaret taught different healing modalities to students. The most detailed and comprehensive system that she taught was called, ‘The Results System’. This is a system that works with the multi-dimensional aspects of our mind, body, emotions, and spirit, including for example, our electrical and nutritional selves. I did not participate in that particular training, but I am somewhat familiar with it because of my interest in it and my personal experiences of having been the recipient of its methods. There are practitioners of ‘The Results System’ that are still, today, achieving extraordinary results with their clients.
I want to offer Margaret’s teachings on the ‘Natural Process’ (a stress-management tool) here, as well as ‘The Dance of Divine Order’ (sacred relationships in the Oneness). I participated in classes with Margaret Fields Kean in the 1990’s, when she taught at the ‘Visions of Tomorrow - School for the Prophets’ conferences held at the State University of New York, in Geneseo, NY. I have continued to study and use ‘The Natural Process’ and the ‘Dance of Divine Order’ since that time. It is my go-to teaching for stressful times or moments. It is a profoundly useful modality that anyone can use to great benefit.
It is not uncommon for people who have had a near-death experience to experience themselves moving into greater and greater realms of Light and Love, often passing through a tunnel first, where they experience a review of their life. The ‘Life Review’ is very often transformational. One gets to see and re-experience events, emotions, thoughts, and dreams like a movie of one’s life.
There is quite an extraordinary amount of beautiful literature available that tells the awe-inspring stories of near-death experiencers. One of the unique things about Margaret Kean’s near-death experience (NDE) is that upon her recovery, she remembered a specific sequence of dying. She was able to clearly desribe and articulte the nature of the sequence of steps that resulted in her unification with the Oneness and returning to Earth with awareness of her purpose and specific assignments.
“Individual transformation can occur in so many different ways, and having a near-death experience is just one of many spiritually transformative occurrences that humans have. Trauma, spontaneous awakenings, epiphanies, dreams, initiations are all examples of spiritually transformative events. There are many ways to have an experience of feeling completely connected and at-one-with everything. Some call it Unity Consciousness. Some call it Nirvanna. Margaret experienced it as the Oneness.”
My aspiration is to share Margaret’s teachings on this website through words, audios, and visuals, as well as the Natural Process Map of the sequence of dying.
Margaret originally gave the teachings in person. To the best of my knowledge there have been no books written on Margaret’s teachings. Margaret offered her knowledge of ‘The Natural Process’, and ‘The Dance of the Divine Order’ as a gift to her students, encouraging us to take her teachings and share this knowledge with others.
I have found Margaret’s teachings based on the knowledge she gained during her near-death experience to be profoundly helpful in my own life as well as in the lives of the students that I taught. The Natural Process continues to be a foundational piece in my personal life and my on-going healing, evolution, and transformational processes.
Margaret passed into the Oneness in 2008, leaving behind a beautiful and practical teaching and legacy. I just know that she would be really happy to see that her work is, after all this time, on-line now here for all to see and experience.
I am motivated to share Margaret’s teachings at this time as I feel that the healing outcomes are even more necessary, relevant and applicable in these times.
Reflecting on the past, and on one’s memories of the past, is part of a grieving process, of experiencing loss, and the beginning of ‘letting go’ of the past. It is the same process of having a ‘Life Review’ that is part of a dying experience. People often speak of the intense experience of their ‘Life Review’ when they had a near-death or other transformational experience. So, you can see that being in The ‘Tunnel’, and having a ‘Life Review’ are also current, every-day experiences! It is a natural thing to do, to reflect on the past, and one’s experiences, as a pre-curser to a change in one’s perception of one’s reality.
I believe that collectively, as a human species, we are undergoing a near-death-like experience. Death, loss, and grief are dominant themes. There is so much loss going on. And at the same time, there is so much opportunity for each of us to co-create our individual and collective future, day-by-day. Margaret’s teachings provide a beautiful way of accessing the Light of hope at the end of the Tunnel, and moving forward into a new paradigm that supports our soul’s purpose. ‘The Natural Process’ is a teaching, as well as a technique, for helping ourselves and each other to navigate through the wonders of having a human experience on this planet, and the troubled waters and natural stresses of living.
The Light is always calling us forward to greater expressions of its infinite Light and Love, and to greater understandings. I just know that the application of the teachings of ‘the Natural Process’ can help move us past our stuck places into states of harmony, balance, and wholeness. It is a map of consciousness on the road to ‘Oneness’.
I particularly hope that the teachings of ‘The Dance of Divine Order’, which is about sacred relationships, will be helpful for anyone working through a changing personal identity, sexual identity, and being in non-traditional relationships. The teachings offer a different perspective on attraction with a focus on determining the spiritual purpose of attraction, and evolving relationships, in the ‘Dance of Divine Order’.
Margaret told her students that the steps of ‘The Natural Process’, the dying process of moving into the Light, happened in a particular order, a particular sequence of experiences. She encouraged us to remember that the sequence of the order was important. I walk you through the sequence on three short audios, here.
Margaret taught that ‘The Natural Process’ was a template and a metaphor for our living experience here on Earth, as well as our dying experience of leaving the physical body and moving into the Light.
“Both our living and dying experiences on Earth are expressions of the same process of moving more and more into the Light – the Light of love, the Light of understanding, the Light of truth,
the Light of courage, the Light of Oneness.”
The progressive movement into Light that characterizes many people’s experience of dying is the same sequence of experiences that characterizes aspects of our day-to-day living. In other words, there is a parallel between the events and experiences of dying a physical death and the living experience of shedding and letting go of limiting mental, emotional, and physical perceptions and perspectives that no longer serve the path of Spirit, and of living in the Oneness.
For example, many near-death experiencers remember having an experience of moving through a ‘Tunnel’, and of having a ‘Life Review’. On a day-to-day basis, human beings often can feel physically, mentally, or emotionally ‘stuck’. This is what Margaret meant when she said that we get stuck in the ‘Tunnel’ of our busywork, our day –to-day lives. We can naturally lose sight of a bigger purpose or a greater calling for our lives. We may not be able to see any ‘Light’ (at the end of ‘The Tunnel’); we can experience ‘tunnel vision’, and lose sight of our purpose for being here on planet Earth.
Having a feeling of being ‘stuck’ in one’s life can sometimes create overwhelming stress, depression, or a sense of disconnection from everything, particularly a disconnection from feeling a greater purpose in life, a reason for living.
Sometimes we get glimpses of the Light at the end of ‘The tunnel’. And that Light, no matter how small it appears at first, serves to pull us forward, like a magnet, offering a sense of hope and possibilities for understanding one’s purpose in life, and the meaning of our life on Earth.
So that is an example of the correlation between an experience of the ‘Tunnel’ in the dying process, and an experience of the ‘Tunnel’ in our day-to-day living experience.
I believe that many, many people are in the ‘Tunnel’ stage of living at this time. Living in the ‘Tunnel’ is a stage that is a natural state. The Tunnel is a state of being, and perception. It is a part of life experience and of our the journey of consciousness towards Oneness. It is also a state that occurs during death. It is a transition point to the Light. So the Tunnel was the first experience that Margaret remembers of her sequence of dying. And each stage of that dying process is also our living process.
I find that simply reading and exploring the Map is a very helpful thing to do. If you follow the primary headings starting with the ‘Tunnel’ at the far bottom left of the Map, moving clockwise you can follow the journey of moving out of the Tunnel into the Heart space. Next, you are going over the Bridge of Trust, into the Light. The Light keeps expanding and there is a Recognition of the Perfection of All That Is. That recognition facilitates seeing the perfection of I, as I am, and you, as you are - each perfect as we are. That is a recognition of the perfection of We. The recognition of the perfection of We ‘opens the palace gates’ to Oneness, and enables entering into the Oneness. Reflecting on the sequence of those steps on the journey can be a tool to help us to keep moving forward into the new dawn of a new day - and to seeing all of the creative possibilities that are in the Oneness, waiting for our participation in the Dance of Divine Order. There are more steps along the way, including ‘Carrying Out One’s Assignment, Here on Earth’, and being in the place of ‘Miracles’.
I truly hope that ‘The Natural Process’ and the ‘Dance of Divine Order’ will bring inspiration to you, and that they will light and lighten your path on the journey to Oneness. I’ll meet you at the ‘Gate to Oneness’ and we can journey together through the gate into the Oneness. Recognizing the perfection of the Oneness, may we hold and awareness of the perfection of that Oneness in our being. May our expression of Oneness be effortless, and filled with joy, peace, love, beauty, and grace.
May Margaret’s teachings on journeying to the Oneness support you in living a healthy, happy, fulfilled and purposeful life. See you in the Oneness!
Sandra McKay Stewart