Sacred Geometry: Language of Creation

This video on Crystals and Sacred Geometry explores three core areas of Sacred Geometry: Vibration, Measurement, and Form.

The video shows examples of the global universality of art and symbols depicting a language of vibration. The ancient Vedic culture, with symbols such as the Sri Yantra, expresses the nature of sound and vibration in form.

Sacred Geometry measurement is shown through Divine Proportion, Golden Mean and the Fibonacci Sequence and Spiral.

Crystals and Sacred Geometry is explored through the Five Platonic Solids, the building blocks of all creation: Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron, and Icosahedron.

Lastly, there is a meditation on the Five Elements and each of the corresponding Crystal Platonic Solids. The meditation is adapted from Israel Regardie’s Middle Pillar – The Art of True Healing.

I share this video in celebration of the universal language of Sacred Geometry, the architecture of the Universe. It is a Holy exploration into the Language of Light. I hope you enjoy it!