Guided Meditations

Over the years, I had the opportunity to create several meditations for my students of crystals and sound. As time permits, I will be uploading meditations for anyone who wishes to further explore the benefits of meditation for physical, mental, and emotional relaxation and well-being.

I am planning to offer four meditations here, to start. The first one is a JAIN MEDITATION and I uploaded it to YouTube in January 2023. See info below.

The next meditation is a meditation that I created for the global activation event in 1987 that was called THE HARMONIC CONVERGENCE. I plan to upload this one soon.

The third meditation is called THE MIDDLE PILLAR, and it is powerful meditation that strengthens our core spiritual and physical elemental essences. It has it history based on the Kabbalah.

Lastly, the fourth meditation is called EARTH AND HEART: EXPANDING LOVE.

Jain Meditation

The Jain religion of India is known as Jainism, and it shares many things in common with Hinduism. Both have spiritual and cultural lineages going back many, many thousands of years.

The meditation is a guided visualization into an experience of each of the anciently-known seven chakras, mantras, and colours. The colours and imagery in this Jain meditation are different from our Westernized concept of the chakras, and the vibrational field created is very much in resonance with the beauty and the power of the ancient Vedic teachings, the oldest spiritual teachings in the world.  

I have found this Jain meditation to be deeply and profoundly consciousness expanding. If you are able to deeply relax into this meditation, I can imagine that you will return again and again to experience a personal journey into the Cosmos and back. You will have an opportunity to ask questions of the Light on this journey and so you are encouraged to think about what questions you might want to ask.

I believe this to be the only English recording that exists of this meditation. The meditation was introduced to me one summer in the late 80’s during the yearly School for the Prophets conference that was led by Daniel Chesbro, founder of the Order of Melchizedek, Sanctuary of the Beloved. I participated in the meditation a second time in Egypt in 1991 by the Saqqara temple during a spiritual voyage of the temples of initiation that was led also by Daniel Chesbro.

I hope you enjoy this beautiful meditation.

Om Shanti