Crystals and Chakras

This video on Crystals and Chakras begins by exploring the ancient Vedic civilization’s impact on our understanding of vibration, and subtle energies, particularly as they relate to Chakras. It was the Vedas and Upanishads (knowledge and discourse) that initially brought to humanity an awareness of the inter-connectivity of sound, colour (Light), crystals and Chakras (Wheels of Light). Adepts, Yogis, and Brahmins on an enlightenment path of higher consciousness received knowledge over thousands of years, knowledge received through the sounds, chants, and mantras of their meditative explorations into the Light.

There is a vast body of knowledge about the Wheels of Light (Chakras) and the effect of balanced and imbalanced chakras on health, balance, harmony, wholeness, and longevity. Essential to the teachings is the awareness that all is vibration, and our physical body as well as the subtle bodies of our individual vibratory field can be tuned to optimum efficiency through sound, colour, breath, and crystal resonance. Examples of Crystals corresponding to the major Chakras on the body are shown.

I invite you to participate in the experience of toning (sounding a note repeatedly) through your Chakras, and integrating colour and crystals in the Crystal Chakra Meditation in this video. I hope you enjoy this introduction to Crystals and Chakras, and that you feel a increase in harmony, balance, peace, and wholeness. Namasté