Spirit of Iona and the Divine Feminine
Return of the Doves offers a message of hope and inspiration for the emerging new day and new dawn of these times. The Divine Feminine Spirit represented by the Dove is returning once again.
Such natural pools of water that formed without any apparent source were thought to be entrances to the Celtic Otherworld, a magical realm of eternal youth, health, beauty, and joy. The Otherworld was a land where dreams, hopes, guardian spirits and animal spirits could be accessed. They are magical places.
Suddenly, to my utter surprise, a shimmering, ethereal Light Being appeared in front of me. She was covered in perfectly round, flat, thin, pink opaque shells that tinkled in the wind.
From the magical Wizard Stones of Columba’s Bay .. to Iona’s exquisite white marble that holds the very essence of Peace .. to the spectacular ‘Mother Rock’ by the ‘Well of Eternal Youth’, the Holy Isle of Iona is a natural crystal beacon of Light.
Earliest cultures of human history and civilization were Goddess cultures. The Divine Feminine holds a truth for us that the Earth is sacred; Mother Earth and all living things are to be honoured and respected. Everything is related and connected to everything else in a vast web of consciousness.
We are the Doves we have been waiting for: Ancient calling, Light our way. Doves have long been a symbol of the Divine Feminine and are associated with ancient Goddesses, including Sophia, Hathor, Isis, Venus, Aphrodite, Ishtar, and the Virgin Mary, among many others.
In Britain, Druidesses were known to isolate themselves to certain special islands. This Isle of Women is nestled in the Sound of Iona, between the Isle of Mull and the Isle of Iona.
Our human consciousness is experiencing a collective expansion. We are participating, knowingly or unknowingly, in the next great step forward in human evolution. The focus of expansion is our heart-centred consciousness.
Glyphs and nymphs were some of the names given to water spirits who were responsible for the maintenance of the Life Force of Water.
Women in both spiritual and physical aspects were the natural custodians and protectors of Holy Wells. The Goddess Brighid was the primary Celtic guardian of the rivers, seas, oceans, lakes, springs, and wells.
Messages and Poems.
‘Today, I found the Divine Feminine! I found her in joy, in freedom, in beauty, in laughter, in play, in gratitude, in song. She is Spirit recognizing Herself in the Joy of Creation and Life.’