Return of The Doves is a living exploration into the heart of the Mother Of Us All, the Sacred Mother of all Life. It is dedicated to remembering and re-embodying the divine feminine in all our relationships. It is my hope that the content will bring upliftment and a touch of wonder and serenity to you in the emerging new day and new dawn of these times.

This website includes four main areas: a historical overview and deep tribute to the Divine Feminine origins of the Holy, Sacred Isle of Iona, Scotland; Earth-based wisdom teachings on the language and gifts of Quartz Crystals, Chakras, and Sacred Geometry; Guided Meditations for Loving the Earth and Self; a tribute to the spiritual teachings of Margaret Kean who taught me about Death and Dying, Living in the Oneness, and Dancing in the Place of Miracles.

Return of the Doves is about Peace, Joy, Hope, and Inspiration.

May you return again and again to the field of Peace that is present here, and that is within you.

Sandra (Sandy) McKay Stewart

fáilte! a warm welcome to you!
Sacred Isle of Iona
Peace. Hope. Joy. Inspiration.

I humbly offer this information about the Sacred Isle of Iona, Scotland as an expression of my deep appreciation and gratitude to the living Spirit of Iona, and to ‘The Pink Lady of Dùn-Ì’, guardian spirit of the ‘Well of Eternal Youth’, for the healing of mind, body, and spirit that I received in 2012. Gratitude for all the blessings of Nature and the Divine in all things.

The sacred Isle of Iona in Scotland is an exceptionally beautiful, peaceful, and welcoming place. Iona’s ancient role as a beacon of light and peace for the world remains strong even today. This special little island nourishes all who visit her, providing a place of refuge, inspiration, and rejuvenation. The Spirit of Iona shines a very special light and, like a radiant crystal chalice, she receives, holds, and reflects our personal inner worlds of transcendence, transformation, and at-one-ment with Mother-Father-God-Creator.

Sophia, Mary, Gaia, Isis, Black Madonna, Ix Chel, Shakti, Quan Yin, Green Tara, Shekinah, Yemanjá, Brighid, and so many, many more Holy Divine Feminine beings in all cultures of the world call us to embody compassion, love, respect, and reverence for all of life, especially water and trees, and the vast network of essential healing medicines of our blessed Earth. The divine sacred feminine calls on us to remember our source, and the inter-connectedness of all life. The divine feminine reminds us that all life is sacred, love is the answer, and walking on this beautiful jewel of a planet is a great blessing.

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Spirit of Iona and the Divine Feminine

I invite you to join me in celebrating the Spirit of Iona, and the Divine Feminine. The eleven content categories in this section include: Return of the Doves; The Well of Eternal Youth; The Pink Lady of Dùn-Ì; Iona Crystals, Rocks, Pebbles, and Stones; Ancient Goddesses, Divine Feminine, and Mother God; The Dove, Iona, and Priestesses of the Dove; The Isle of Women; Mary, Mother, Virgin Goddess; Sacred Waters; Holy Wells; Tributes to Iona: Messages and Poems.

The second section of the site is ‘Historic Iona’. There you will find content on: The Nunnery; Brighid, Goddess of the Celts; Saint Columba, Dove of the Church; and, The Abbey. The third section is ‘Crystals, Chakras, Sacred Geometry, Meditations’, and the fourth section is ‘Margaret Kean’s teachings: Love is the Leader’.

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In the video above, I am walking up to the top of the rock boulder to the right of the Well of Eternal Youth, on Dùn-Ì, Iona, Scotland. A voice told me: ‘This is my Mother Rock’. The prayer is by Fiona MacLeod (William Sharp) from ‘The Dominion of Dreams, Under a Dark Star’, 1895.

"Deep peace I breathe into you, O weariness here: O ache, here! Deep peace, a soft white dove to You; Deep peace a quiet rain to you! Deep peace, an ebbing wave to you! Deep peace, red wind of the east from you; Deep peace, grey wind of the west to you; Deep peace, dark wind of the north from you; Deep peace, blue wind of the south to you! Deep peace, pure red of the flame to you; Deep peace, pure white of the moon to you; Deep peace, pure green of the grass to you; Deep peace, pure brown of the earth to you; Deep peace, pure grey of the dew to you; Deep peace pure blue of the sky to you!

Deep peace of the running wave to you; Deep peace of the flowing air to you; Deep peace of the quiet earth to you; Deep peace of the sleeping stones to you! Deep peace of the Wandering Shepherdess to you; Deep peace of the Flock of Stars to you; Deep peace from the Son of Peace to you; Deep peace from the heart of Mary to you; And from the Bridget of the Mantle, Deep peace, deep peace! And with the kindness too of the all Mighty Father, Peace! In the name of the Three who are one, Peace! And by the will of the King of the Elements, Peace! Peace!”

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The Earth nourishes, heals, and rejuvenates.Crystals and rocks offer unique opportunities for spiritual growth and transformation.

For several years in the first decade of the new millennium, I created, developed and taught the ‘Original Crystal Practitioner’s Certificate Program’. It is a great joy to share some of that knowledge here with you. This section will evolve more, with time. To begin, I have uploaded three 1-hour videos of teachings given on Zoom in 2020 at the beautiful Garden of Light in Ottawa, Canada. There is a relationship of crystals to the divine feminine because the rock and mineral foundation of the Earth is the sacred ‘body’ of our Mother Earth. All of the Earth is sacred, and crystals, rocks, and minerals make the foundation of the Earth a true shining jewel of beauty in the Cosmos. Crystals, colour, sound, and sacred geometry are all part of the language of creation. Join me here for explorations into the sacred nature of crystals, chakras, sound, and sacred geometry. Or, enter into a state of deep relaxation with one of my meditations. A warm welcome to you.

Over the years, I had the opportunity to create several meditations for my students of crystals and sound. As time permits, I will be uploading meditations for anyone who wishes to further explore the benefits of meditation for physical, mental, and emotional relaxation and well-being.

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Essence of Margaret Kean’s Teachings: Love is the Leader

This section introduces Margaret Fields Kean, and two of the health modalities that she taught in the 1990’s. Margaret’s ‘Natural Process’, and ‘Dance of Divine Order’ are based on her experience of near-death (NDE) or, as Margaret preferred to call it, her ‘whole-life’ experience. Here you will find four sections: 1) a brief overview, 2) an introduction to Margaret, 3) The Natural Process, and 4) The Dance of Divine Order. Text and brief audio-clips are offered to explain the ‘Natural Process’, and the ‘Dance of Divine Order’. The audios walk you through the sequence of the dying and living process that Margaret ‘brought back’ from her own personal near-death experience (NDE). Her journey, that she recalled in detail, took her to the ‘Oneness’ and back. The image of a Map that you see in these sections is a pictorial representation of Margaret’s journey from the Tunnel into the Oneness.

I have found Margaret’s teachings to be some of the most practical and transformative that I have experienced in elevating human conscious awareness of our individual and collective experiences of living and dying, as well as being a clear map for transforming limiting beliefs, changing patterns of perception, recognizing and changing old emotional patterns that no longer serve, reducing stress, and re-patterning the brain for optimum performance. Welcome to this tribute to Margaret Kean and her teachings.

If you knew Margaret or were a student of her’s, I invite and welcome your input here. Please add to the story so that those who are interested may have as thorough a reflection of her work here as possible. For example, if you studied the ‘Results System’, I would welcome a description of the ‘Results System’ so that I could include it here as well. Or if you have more biographical details, or treasured memories of Margaret Kean, all are welcome here. To immortalize her work for future generations. Thank you.

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